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Einkaufscenter Solaris

Strong partners handle major international project


The challenge

  • New passive IT infrastructure for a shopping center  
  • Just-in-time deliveries

Our job

  • Advice and support from the planning phase to the end of the project

The business advantage

  • Fire protection-compliant & fail-safe cabling with high transmission speed

Driving digitalization forward: To this aim, EFB-Elektronik GmbH, a leading trading company and system provider of structured IT infrastructure, is working with long-standing partners across Europe. One example of a major joint project is the 36-store Solaris shopping center in Tallinn, Estonia. The Delice Food Store, which is part of the Selver AS retail chain, has been modernizing the center's entire IT infrastructure since January 2023. The Estonian retail chain invited tenders for a major project in 2022, in which EFB partner Ankaran OÜ, based in Tallinn, won the tender with products from EFB-Elektronik's own INFRALAN® brand.

New IT infrastructure for shopping center in Estonia

In addition to digitalization aspects, the Estonian government's new regulatory requirements for IT building cabling in public spaces make modernization of the shopping center urgently necessary. For the planned new cabling, the entire passive IT infrastructure, which was previously designed for the outdated CAT5e standard, will therefore be replaced in the ongoing project. Higher data transmission speeds and stricter fire protection requirements, which rule out the previously installed PVC cables due to flammable toxic substances, are just two of the points that need to be considered. An economical and smooth project organization as well as fast delivery dates are further requirements that Ankaran, which specializes in IT and telecommunications trading as well as IT project coordination, must meet.

High quality thanks to INFRALAN® components

"To manage this major project, we decided to bring our partner EFB-Elektronik on board even before we applied for the tender. The customer was particularly impressed by the quickly confirmed delivery dates combined with the attractive price-performance ratio," says Ragnar Reikop, owner, and project manager at Ankaran.  
Clark Schad, Area Sales Manager at EFB-Elektronik, adds: "In this case, the cabling had to be highly reliable so that, for example, the POS-systems in the department store were as fail-safe as possible. That's why we decided together with Ankaran after the on-site inspection to use only INFRALAN solutions."

The brand, managed by EFB-Elektronik, stands for particularly high-quality, high-performance components tested in Germany for all aspects of structured building cabling. Installers who want to install INFRALAN® components must first complete a special certification course to be accepted into the system partner program. They will then be able to install INFRALAN® systems that are technically perfectly matched to each other. EFB-Elektronik also ensures close support, from on-site advice during the planning phase to the end of the project.

For the implementation of the INFRALAN® components in particular, the project partners therefore decided to commission the Estonian system integration company Telegrupp AS as an additional partner for the Solaris project team. As a certified INFRALAN® installer, Telegrupp has been working with EFB-Elektronik for many years. Schad comments: "The certification makes it easy for us to gain and retain long-term, reliable partners such as Telegrupp - then the cooperation always runs hand in hand. At the same time, our certification guarantees high quality installation and a high level of investment security for the customer."

Ragnar Reikop, owner and project manager at Ankaran

Close exchange between project partners is essential

Andrus Tamm
project manager, Telegrupp
The partners are installing INFRALAN® CAT.6 A - U/UTP cables and components to renew the POS systems. The Wi-Fi coverage throughout the building is also being modernized. "In a project with so many contributors, all partners must maintain a close exchange so that deliveries are made just-in-time and all project phases progress in parallel. Otherwise, there are major, annoying delays," says Andrus Tamm, the responsible project manager at Telegrupp.

And he continues: "So far, the process is running smoothly." Reikop also comments on the economic project organization, as required in the project tender: "I particularly appreciate the project work with EFB-Elektronik. I have a permanent contact person who supports me from the beginning to the end of the project. It is also beneficial that there were no price increases, despite the significant rise in raw material prices."

With the completion of the project, the Delice super mall now has a future-proof IT infrastructure. In addition, the new halogen-free cables meet the stricter fire protection regulations. One thing is already clear: The parent company Selver will be commissioning further network projects from the partner team.

Telegrupp AS

Telegrupp AS is a system integration company specializing in IT, communication and security solutions. The company develops, manufactures, sells, installs and maintains low-current solutions in Estonia and neighboring countries. The employees who still work for the company today started building communication and cable networks in 1992. Telegrupp AS was founded in 1997 by merging the telecommunications departments of three Estonian companies. Over time, the cable plant has become the leading and fastest growing system integration company in Estonia. On July 4, 2002, the owners of the company sold their shares in Telegrupp AS to Merko Ehitus AS and Comliet UAB (later Eltel), a subsidiary of Lithuanian Telecom, in order to gain experience. They acquired a 45 and 55 percent stake respectively, while remaining employed by the company. In 2005, the company's management bought back all the shares.

Ankaran OÜ

Ankaran Ltd is an Estonian family-owned company founded in 2011, specializing in wholesale telecom and IT infrastructure and project sales. The company's strength lies in its excellent relationships with suppliers, manufacturers and "special" products and solutions. The company mainly offers IT system solutions from INFRALAN®. Ankaran is an official partner of EFB-Elektronik in Estonia.