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From Monday, March 17, 2025 you can reach us again. We ask for your kind understanding. Further information

FTTH Cassette SC for FTTH-BGT

FTTH Module for FTTH-BGT, 6 Port SC with OM3 ceramic adapter
Item number: FTTH-MODUL-SCOM3
EAN no.: 4049759214661

Product information for FTTH Module for FTTH-BGT, 6 Port SC with OM3 ceramic adapter

Suitable for 1U and 3U subrack FTTH-BGT-xHE
Pre-equipped with 6 SC-Simplex adapter in single mode, multimode OM4 or multimode OM3 with ceramic ferrule
Inclined outlet left/right for the 1HE version, top/bottom outlet for the 3HE version
Cable entry via MTP®/MPO adapter
Splice cassette (Shrink -and Crimpprotection) holder included in cassette for MTP®/ MPO free installation

Delivery without Pigtail and MTP®/MPO adapter

On request, the modules can also be equipped with E2000 adapters and pigtails.

Technical properties

Number of height units: 0.5 U
With pigtails: False


Item no. Name APC version Modules Colour of adapter Kupplung Anzahl Kupplungen
FTTH-MODUL-SCOS2 FTTH Module for FTTH-BGT, 6 Port SC with OS2 ceramic adapter False Singlemode blue SC 6
FTTH-MODUL-SCOM4 FTTH Module for FTTH-BGT, 6 Port SC with OM4 ceramic adapter False Multimode OM4 erica-violet SC 6
FTTH-MODUL-SCOM3 FTTH Module for FTTH-BGT, 6 Port SC with OM3 ceramic adapter False Multimode OM3 aqua SC 6