Individual packaging services

Tell your EFB representative about your specifications and preferences, or let them tell you what options EFB-Elektronik has to offer.
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Individual packaging services
Do you have special product identification specifications for your logistics? Would you like our products labelled with your own item numbers and logo – or completely neutral? Is it important to you to use environmentally packaging without any pesky plastic waste? Take advantage of our wide selection of available product processing services.

Tell your EFB representative about your specifications and preferences, or let them tell you what options EFB-Elektronik has to offer.
Our service offerings: We can do that for you

- Neutral cartons & plastic bags
- ESD packaging also available upon request
- Other packaging units

- Labelling directly on the packaging
- Totally customisable (your logo, item number or description)

- Wrap labels & tags
- You can choose the position of the labels yourself: double-sided, single-sided or centered
- Totally customisable (your logo, item number or brief description)

- Our products, with no plastic trash for you
- If requested, we will use your reusable load carriers

Have you found the right service offering for you? Here's how to order:

Select one or more of our product processing services

Contact your EFB representative or request a quote with no obligation

Receive your individual service package - your EFB representative will process the order for you
Enter your contact information to hear from your personal contact person
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