Cat.8 Cables, Connectors & Distribution Panels
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Cat.8 Cables, Connectors & Distribution Panels

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The Cat.8 system from EFB-Elektronik for the perfect link setup
The Cat.8 system for the perfect link setup
Why choose Cat.8?

Cat.8 link establishment

Channel link
- 26m cabling section (installation cable)
- 2m patch / jumper cables at both ends
Direct Connect (End to End)
Order certified Cat.8 products quickly & conveniently

for maximum reliability
- Certificate
- Test link

for planning


- Certificate
- Test link

What is a Cat.8 cable?
How long can a Cat.8 cable connection be?
What is the difference between Cat.8.1 and Cat.8.2?
Discover now: All Cat.8 products from one source at EFB-Elektronik
Get advice on Cat.8 now
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