⚠ Hinweis: Das EFB-Team wird am Freitag, den 14. März 2025 nicht erreichbar sein. Ab Montag, dem 17.03.2025 können Sie uns dann wieder wie gewohnt erreichen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Weitere Informationen
⚠ Note: The EFB team will not be available on Friday, March 14, 2025. From Monday, March 17, 2025 you can reach us again as usual. We ask for your kind understanding. Further information
  • INFRALAN fiber optic plugs from EFB-Elektronik

    25 years INFRALAN® system warranty

  • INFRALAN fiber optic plugs from EFB-Elektronik

    25 years INFRALAN® system warranty

Each cabling infrastructure is a strategic and long-term investment that is expected to deliver the highest level of reliability and stability. The INFRALAN® 25 years system warranty offers the necessary investment protection.
Extent of warranty for Copper and Fiber Optic Cabling System
  • 25-year system warranty for compliance with the INFRALAN® fiber optic cabling system and the prescribed limit values
  • In the case of a warranty claim (proof by measurement reports and further information), the components complained of will be checked and the defects rectified subsequently.
  • INFRALAN® will carry the cost if the defect is due to the product. If the defect was caused by improper handling of the product, INFRALAN® will not carry the costs. The assumption of downtime or consequential costs by INFRALAN® is excluded.
INFRALAN System guarantee logo from EFB-Elektronik

Requirements and prerequisites

This ensures compliance with the transmission properties of structured copper and fiber cabling according to norms and standards valid at the time of installation. This is demonstrated by the certified installer during installation by means of required test reports and further information.

The following applies to the INFRALAN® System (copper / optical cable):
  • Use of INFRALAN® installation material (for all relevant components).
  • Installation of the cabling system by a certified INFRALAN® installer who has successfully passed the appropriate training (theory, practice, exam).
  • Signing of the contract for the object to be installed.
  • The measured values of the transmission path must at least comply with the standard specifications during the acceptance measurement.
  • Clear assignment of the cabling sections to the respective labeling (measurement protocol).
  • Certification only for cabling routes specified in the measurement report.

In addition, the following applies to the INFRALAN® Fiber Optic System:
  • Proof of a corresponding INFRALAN® partnership and fulfilment of the performance requirements of the INFRALAN® system
  • Submission of documentation for the installed routes including image documentation as well as the bi-directional measurement reports (OTDR) with launch and receive fibers

Certification period of the INFRALAN® partner:
  • Three years
    Certification is extended by 3 years if projects are completed with a system warranty

Do you have questions about the system warranty?

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